Tuesday, April 17, 2012
New Way of Looking at Water
Monday, April 16, 2012
The Best Definition of SIN
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Iggy's Theory Behind Mental Illnesses
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Life in the poor lane!
So you may be asking yourself, “Why can’t I do what I really want to do with my life and still make a decent living?” Right?! Here’s how the answer from the Lord may go.
Lord: The people who make a living doing what they love are the people who insist on doing so. They don’t give up. They never give in. They dare Life not to let them do what they love. But there’s another element that must be brought up, because this is the missing element in most people’s understanding when it comes to their life’s work.
“What is that,” you might be asking? There’s a difference between being and doing, and most people have placed their priorities on the latter. Example: If you choose peace and joy and love, you won’t get much of that through what you’re doing. If you choose happiness and contentment, you’ll find little of that on the path of doingness. If you choose reunion with God, supreme knowing, deep understanding, endless compassion total awareness, absolute fulfillment, you won’t get much of that, from what you are doing. WHO ARE YOU BEING IS MOST IMPORTANT HERE.
Put it this way… if you think your life is about doingness, you don’t know what you are about. Your soul doesn’t care what you do for a living—and when your life is over, neither will you. The soul, your soul, only cares about what you are being while you’re doing whatever you do. It is a state of beingness the soul is after, not a state of doingness.
Right now, in this moment, your soul has again created an opportunity for you to be, do, and have what it takes to Know Who You Really Are and Who I Am. Your soul has brought you to the words you are reading right now—as it has brought you to words of wisdom and truth before. What will you do, now? What will you choose to be? Your soul waits, and watches with interest and delight, as it has many times before. To sum this all up, I am not concerned about your worldly success, only you are!
If this sounds a bit harsh, take it up with the Father! He produced a series of impactful books for this day and age just for you. However, you have to be willing to grow. Have you ever heard of the statement, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear"? You may be “grown up” physically, but spiritually there’s room for more. The big question now is, are you willing to? If so, go to your local library and check it out (or purchase it). Warning cuz it’s intimidating to most. It’s called, Conversations with God, by bestselling author, Neale Donald Walsch.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Lord, Lord, Why Did You Make Me Black?
Black is the color of dirty clothes ; the color of grimy hands and feet.
Black is the color of darkness ; the color of tire-beaten streets.
Why did you give me thick lips, a broad nose and kinky hair ?
Why did You make me someone who receives the hatred stare ?
Black is the color of a bruised eye when somebody gets hurt.
Black is the color of darkness. Black is the color of dirt.
How come my bone structure’s so thick ; my hips and cheeks are high ?
How come my eyes are brown and not the color of the daylight sky ?
Why do people think I’m useless ? How come I feel so used ?
Why do some people see my skin and think I should be abused ?
Lord, I just don’t understand ; What is it about my skin ?
Why do some people want to hate me and not know the person within ?
Black is what people are "listed", when others want to keep them away.
Black is the color of shadows cast. Black is the end of the day.
Lord, You know, my own people mistreat me ;
and I know this just isn't right. They don’t like my hair or the way I look.
They say I’m too dark or too light.
Lord, Don’t You think it’s time for You to make a change ?
Why don’t You re-do creation and make everyone the same ?
Why did I make you black ? Why did I make you black ?
Get off your knees and look around. Tell Me, what do you see ?
I didn't make you in the image of darkness. I made you in the Likeness of ME !
I made you the color of coal from which beautiful diamonds are formed.
I made you the color of oil, the black-gold that keeps people warm.
I made you from the rich, dark earth that can grow the food you need.
Your color’s the same as the panther’s, known for beauty and speed.
Your color’s the same as the Black stallion, a majestic animal is he.
I didn't make you in the Image of darkness, I made you in the Likeness of ME !
All the colors of a Heavenly Rainbow can be found throughout every nation ;
Your hair is the texture of lamb’s wool, such a humble, little creature is he.
I am the Shepherd who watches them. I am the One who will watch over thee.
You are the color of midnight-sky, I put the stars’ glitter in your eyes.
There’s a smile hidden behind your pain that’s the reason your cheeks are high.
You are the color of dark clouds formed when I send My strongest weather.
I made your lips full so when you kiss the one you love they will remember.
Your stature is strong ; your bone structure, thick to withstand the burdens of time.
The reflection you see in the mirror...
The Image looking back at you is MINE !
by RuNett Nia Ebo
Inspired by the book of Genesis 1:26-27
And God said, Let us make man in Our image, after Our Likeness...So God created man in His own image...male and
female created He them.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Why are you here?
Your Pledge to Learn!
I am here to learn. No one can make me, but it is my right. I am responsible for my own spirituality. I am in control. Since learning so greatly affects my future, I choose to make it a priority in my life. I am a life long learner. Nothing can stand in my way. No one has the right to hinder my spiritual pursuit, and I must respect the same right for others. There are no excuses for not learning when I need assistance, my teacher will appear. Problems I encounter along the way are just challenges to overcome. I will never say I can’t because I can! I will always remember that I am here for one reason, I am here to learn.